19 Ekim 2014 Pazar

Reflection on the Assure Model

 Reflection on the Assure Model

There was not any steps of assure model of my previous schools. I think, ıt can be one of the most important problems in the Turkish education system. The only thing our teachers do is teaching the lesson, assign the homeworks and checking the homework whether is done or undone.
  Moreover, our the most advanced material was blackboard. Except it,  our teachers do not need to use them. I think, they should have used some different materials in the classroom but they did not.
  However, of course I have so many teachers are unlike the others. They would know our profiles and they teach accordingly. They would use some media and materials effectively. Also, they would evaluate us equally and efficiently.


    How would you describe the current use of technology in teaching in Turkey?  When you graduate and start teaching, what changes in the technology in education do you predict?  Will the new technology make your job as a teacher easier or more difficult?

 Will the new technology make your job as a teacher easier or more difficult? My answer to this question always has been that It will make my job easy. In todays globalization world’s, technology has changed and improved. It emerged with our Daily life. Living without technology is almost impossible. If technology became so common, why do teachers insist on not to use technology?
   I chose this topic, because todays technology in Turkey, is really impressing and it can be used for education also. As future teachers, we should adapt ourselves to the further education system. Education is also changing like technology. For example, in Turkey, compulsory schooling was eight years, but now it becomes twelve years. In the past,  traditional methods were more dominant than todays’. We should follow the new World new technology. If we cannot keep up with the times,  we cannot accomplish our due.
  As teachers,  one of our responsibilities is making students feel comfortable in classroom in order to get their attention and start the learning process. If we use the technology,  we manage it easily. Technology helps us.

      All in, of course, still there are some teachers who think that technology is far from instruction, but I am not one of them. I believe that all teachers should adapt themselves to the todays educational needs.

Chapter #2 - Psychological Perspective of Instructional Situations

Chapter #2 - Psychological Perspective of Instructional Situations

        I would like to mention about one of my must course which I took my first year, Edus course.
   In the Edus class, our ınstructor was using technology efficiently. Her slideshows, videos, electronic documents were helpful for us. We can easily touch her by using e-post and via. She was checking her mails regularly. Therefore, our questions, suggestions were not being answerless.  She was a well-prepared people, and also her classes were like that. When she came to class, firstly, she greets us, and then start the lesson. She was using wit and humour effectively. I was really impressed by her. The reason for this is her way to use psychological perspective. She was teaching the course by depending on our needs. Her style was setting a bridge between us and the course.