8 Ekim 2014 Çarşamba

Today's Meet

3 yorum:

  1. Hi Güzin! I founf this chart quite interesting because I assumed that owning a smart phone rates is higher than owning a cell phone rates until I saw this chart. It is also very interesting the rate difference between the girls and the boys. What do you think the reason may be for this difference? Thank you for this chart :)


  2. Hello Selin ! Firstly, I thank you for your comment. As you see, there is a slight difference in cell and smart phone ownership between girls and boys. The reason for the slight difference may be related to the lifestyle of two genders. For instance, girls are more likely to declare their positions, photos and comments than boys. Therefore, smart phones are very for them. :)

  3. Wow! This one is a well-prepared Piktochart I see. I loved how it informs you about the percentage of younger population's possessing cellphones and smartphones. It would definitely be great if you could add another graphic showing the percentage of which social media tool is used most among teenagers. Thanks!
